New Chair

The Trustees of Hampstead Wells and Campden Trust are delighted to announce the appointment of Robin Woolfson as the Trust’s new Chair.  Robin has worked as an NHS hospital consultant in North Central London for more than 25 years.  He has extensive experience in medical leadership, service development and governance.  He is also a trustee of the Epilepsy Society.  He has lived in the Trust’s Area of Benefit for 30 years and has long been involved with various local amenity groups.

The Trust wishes to thank its outgoing Chair, Gaynor Humphries for her long service to the Trust.  Gaynor first became a trustee in 1993, and served as Chair of the Trust’s Grants Committee between 2012 and 2018. Gaynor has had a long career in the voluntary and community sector. Her last fulltime job was as Chief Executive of London Funders. The Trust is very grateful to Gaynor for the important contribution she has made to the Trust and in particular for her role most recently as Chair.